November 2011
We are proud to announce that the Arrowstreet-designed Freeport Village Station was awarded the Associated Builders and Contractors’ Excellence in Construction Merit Award. The awards program is a premier competition, and Freeport Village’s win designates it one of the most outstanding construction projects in the nation.Working together with construction manager A.J. Martini, we built the project to take advantage of a steeply sloped site by creating a retail plaza that is on-grade with Main Street and tucking a 550-space parking garage underneath it on two levels – the first in Freeport. Overall, the project brought over 100,000 sf of new retail to downtown Freeport. The scale of the retail space is larger than Freeport has historically offered, part of landowner L.L. Bean and developer Berenson Associates’ strategy to attract new tenants to the market.